Digitally Native vs Digital Immigrant HR Professionals

November 09, 2021

Digitally Native vs Digital Immigrant HR Professionals

Ah yes, the classic tale of two HR professionals: the digitally native and the digital immigrant. While it may sound like the beginning of a bad joke, in the world of HR management software, it’s a very real distinction that can impact the effectiveness of HR professionals. In this post, we’ll take a look at the differences between these two types of HR professionals and what it means for the use of HR management software.

Digitally Native HR Professionals

Digitally native HR professionals are part of the generation that grew up with technology. They’re comfortable with using different software, apps, and tools on a daily basis. They’re used to having information and resources available at their fingertips, and they tend to be more open to new technology. According to a study by Pew Research Center, 97% of adults aged 18-29 own a smartphone, which is a good indication of their digital literacy.

When it comes to HR management software, digitally native HR professionals tend to be more comfortable with using it. They’re able to adapt to new software and tools more quickly, and they’re more likely to use the software to its full potential. They’re also more likely to understand and appreciate the benefits of HR management software, such as increased efficiency and better data management.

Digital Immigrant HR Professionals

Digital immigrant HR professionals, on the other hand, are part of the generation that didn’t grow up with technology. While they may have adapted to new technology over time, they tend to be less comfortable with it overall. They may prefer traditional methods of communication and data management, such as paper-based systems. According to the same Pew Research Center study, only 42% of adults aged 65 and older own a smartphone.

When it comes to HR management software, digital immigrant HR professionals may struggle to adapt to new software and tools. They may be less willing to learn and use new technology, which can limit the effectiveness of HR management software overall. However, it’s worth noting that this isn’t always the case, and some digital immigrant HR professionals may be comfortable using technology.


So, is there a clear winner when it comes to digitally native vs digital immigrant HR professionals? Not necessarily. While digitally native HR professionals tend to be more comfortable with technology, it’s important to remember that everyone has different levels of digital literacy. Additionally, being a digital immigrant doesn’t necessarily mean that an HR professional is opposed to using technology.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of HR management software depends on several factors, including the ease of use, the functionality, and the benefits that it provides. Regardless of whether an HR professional is a digital native or a digital immigrant, the most important thing is that they’re able to use the software effectively to achieve their goals.


In conclusion, while there are differences between digitally native and digital immigrant HR professionals, the effectiveness of HR management software depends on several factors. If the software is easy to use and provides clear benefits, it can be effective regardless of the user’s digital literacy. So, if you’re considering adopting HR management software for your organization, make sure to choose software that’s user-friendly and provides clear benefits for all users.


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